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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

What’s the difference between a BJT and a MOSFET transistor? Wikipedia has lots of information on the individual devices per se, but not much in the way of how they differ. So I go searching the larger Internet for an answer, and indeed a good answer I have found.

  • BJT transistors are current-controlled devices, but MOSFET transistors are voltage-controlled devices. Thus a MOSFET only consumes gate power during switching, but a BJT transistor base power continuously.

    Thus, if you have a circuit that requires current to flow freely through the base of a BJT transistor, say in the cases of capacitor timers/oscillators and low-pass filters, a swap-out to a MOSFET transistor will not fully work as intended. This is also the reason why MOSFETs are used primarily in digital switching circuits for power or logic rather than as amplifiers per se.

    However, if you convert your analog signal into a digital signal for the MOSFET amplification stage and keep the low-pass resistor-capacitor network outside of the MOSFET stage, then you can construct an amplifier using MOSFETs. The Class-D amplifier is an excellent example.

    BJT transistors are sometimes useful when your primary goal is to minimize the cost of a circuit. An audio DAC and amplifier can be built more cheaply using a BJT transistor as it allows you to use a smaller capacitor on the input-side of the amplifier rather than on the output-side as with a Class-D amplifier.

  • MOSFETs can switch higher-power loads than BJT. BJT is mostly confined to low-current circuits.

  • MOSFETs work more efficiently at lower voltages than BJT transistors.

  • MOSFETs can work at higher frequencies than BJT transistors.

20191109/DuckDuckGo mosfet versus bjt transistor

Note that an op-amp is also useful for converting differential signaling serial communications to ground-based logic levels, for input into your microprocessor. Please note that the more specific name of such dedicated chips is line drivers.

Now, what about thyristors? A thyristors is only usable as a two-state switch, not as an amplifier. Also, thyristors are better for higher-power applications than MOSFETs. Thyristors are also less sensitive to temperature than MOSFETs.

20191109/DuckDuckGo thyristor versus mosfet

Okay, so what about this whole slew of “cost-saving” techniques for analog to digital signal conversion for microcomputers? I have now accumulated a list of no less than four major techniques.

  1. Use a purpose-built ADC chip.

  2. Apple II and IBM PC game port trick: Use a 555 timer chip to convert an analog signal into a proportional pulse duration.

  3. Intel 4004 documentation trick: Use a comparator and a DAC with a successive approximation technique. Again, I reiterate, a cheap DAC can be constructed via a simple resistor-capacitor low-pass filter.

  4. Class-D amplifier trick: Use a comparator with a triangle (or even sawtooth) wave generator to generate a digital PDM signal.


So what makes the 555 timer chip cheaper than the alternatives? The 555 timer chip also uses a comparator circuit inside (so there are no cost savings from eliminating this component), and technically it requires a repetitive trigger signal to be sent that is not dissimilar to the triangle wave required in the Class-D amplifier approach. My understanding is that the main cost savings were highly situational. At the time, the 555 timer chip was pretty popular and in production for quite a long time, so those chips were cheaper than some other very similar chip designs. Also, the specific implementation also makes the microcomputer ADC programming arguably simpler: only a single counter variable is required to measure the pulse width from the start of the trigger signal. A PDM conversion technique, by contrast, would require two counter variables: one to measure the period, a second to measure the duty cycle.

Okay, so what about the criticism of the PC gameport having terrible analog to digital conversion fidelity and being highly temperature dependent?


Okay, so first of all, maybe my assertion about those claiming temperature dependence issues was a myth for this particular instance. But, as I see it, the only part that makes it temperature dependent is the capacitor for the timing circuit, everything else is precisely identical to using any of the other ADC techniques. I think the main criticism against the PC gameport style ADC is that it requires a realtime software timing loop in order to get accurate measurements. But so do all the PDM-style conversion techniques.

So, what makes an ADC more expensive? I think it must mainly be the idea that an ADC can hand digital integers straight to you, rather than requiring you to build your own from PDM data. For that, an ADC requires a built-in counter circuit and buffer to separate the previous value and the computation-in-progress value. Essentially, this can be described as conversion from PDM to PCM.

The other, less significant, thing that makes an ADC more expensive is the local oscillator required for the comparator circuit to convert from analog to PDM. This cost can be amortized when a single chip provides for multiple ADC inputs, since the local oscillator signal can be shared across all the ADC input comparators. Conversely, in the event that you use your microcomputer to generate the analog conversion clock signal, you must sacrifice one GPIO pin to dedicate to that purpose. On the other hand, when there are several simultaneous outputs supported tied to one big central clock, that can considerably increase the cost of the ADC.

Finally, an additional useful feature of an expensive ADC is to provide not just a single PCM register per input, but an entire buffer of consecutive PCM values, thus allowing high-frequency data to be buffered up and read out in bulk by a non-realtime process. Interrupts can be issued at particular fullness intervals, and also to indicate if a “buffer overrun” occurs. That is, a failure to read the buffer fast enough resulted in old samples being overwritten by new samples and therefore lost. Sound hardware is one of the primary use cases where the more advanced ADC and DAC features justifies the cost.

But, ultimately, there’s more than one way to construct an full-system ADC, some methods being more expensive than the others. The Wikipedia article on the subject provides a less-organized but more comprehensive treatment. The main issue with ADC quality is that “cheap” ADCs are technically not “single-chip” designs, and therefore they are more susceptible to any source of noise and error, temperature dependence being but one of the sources.


That being said, the full design of the most conventional analog to digital conversion setups I’ve mentioned in this article can be described in these main stages, with a variety of implementation techniques for each stage.

  1. Generation of an analog conversion clock signal
    • Local oscillator
    • Microcomputer-generated oscillating signal, PDM with low-pass filter
    • Microcomputer-generated trigger signal, capacitor discharge sawtooth
    • Microcomputer-generated successive approximation signal
  2. Conversion from analog to PDM
    • Comparator-based PDM conversion
    • 555 one-shot timer pulse, comparator embedded
    • Comparator-based successive approximation
  3. Conversion from PDM to PCM
    • Local counter-based converter
    • Software-based full period cumulative
    • Software-based trigger pulse timing
    • Software-based successive approximation, PCM value in approximation output register
  4. PCM sample processing
    • Immediate, realtime sample processing
    • Hardware sample buffering, delayed processing in bulk
    • Software sample buffering, delayed processing in bulk

Notably, all conversion techniques require a comparator, that’s the one electronic circuit component that you cannot get around.

The Wikipedia articles contain the equations on how to calculate the cut-off frequencies of low-pass filters and high-pass filters.

R = resistance in ohms
C = capacitance in farads
Cut-off frequency: 1 / (2*pi*R*C)

Also note that the “cut-off frequency” is better understood as a “roll-off” frequency.


Another notable discussion point is latency of ADCs. Referring to the steps mentioned above, the primary areas where latency are introduced are in conversion from PDM to PCM, known as quantization latency, and buffering of PCM samples. Notably, conversion from analog to PDM doesnn’t technically need to introduce very much latency, the primary source of latency is from the analog signal traveling through the comparator gates. Quantization latency is inevitable, but buffering latency can be minimized by using the smallest possible buffers. Of course, the 555 timer technique and successive approximation technique necessarily roll other steps together that do introduce more latency.

Another related problem is generating an analog conversion clock signal using a microcomputer. If you use a cheap low-pass filter as your digital to analog converter, you are necessarily rather limited in the frequency by which you can generate your analog conversion clock, which necessarily limits your ADC input frequency to much less than your DAC output frequency. In the vein that generating a sawtooth or triangle wave and feeding it to a comparator is essentially a format of successive approximation, you might as well just do that instead to get a faster response time. Likewise, in this vein, it turns out that the 555 timer approach is also a faster way to generate the analog conversion clock: a one-shot sawtooth waveform is generated via a capacitor discharge. So, we can rank the cheap ADC conversion techniques in terms of speed, from slowest to fastest.

  1. Class-D amplifier style ADC, sawtooth/triangle signal is generated by microcomputer PDM with low-pass filter.
  2. Successive approximation using low-pass filter for DAC.
  3. 555 timer approach, capacitor as one-shot sawtooth wave generator, microcomputer drives leading edge of conversion clock.
  4. Class-D amplifier style ADC, sawtooth/triangle signal is generated via a local oscillator.

If you have an expensive ADC connected almost directly to the address bus, then embedded PCM conversion and buffering can also contribute to speed. Otherwise, serial communications with an ADC with PCM conversion embedded doesn’t buy you much time compared to compared to microcomputer PDM conversion.

Notably, the 555 timer technique is pretty much the best technique overall. Like successive approximation, it also requires one capacitor and one comparator, but it is faster and still pretty cheap.

On the other hand, the successive approximation technique does have an advantage of a sort: it does not require a realtime software timing loop to get accurate results. That is, accurate to the limits of the DAC and comparator.