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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Here we go again, circling around to this subject that typically leads nowhere. Trying to use genetics to predict differences in income, it can explain no more than 2% of income differences. Suffice it to say, in general the differences are negligible compared to larger scale environmental factors.


Now the paper at the end concludes with something meaningful:

If you want to address poor people getting sick and dying while the wealthy aim towards living forever, increase access to health care, and improve working and living conditions. Ignore the 2 percent effect and focus on taxing the top 1 percent of people who own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined. That will actually help.

Well… the goal mentioned is audacious, but the means to the end? Well, that deserves further discussion.

But, I have to agree. For most people, if the goal mentioned was their goal in life, our world would be a very different place.