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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, previously, I’ve mentioned the possibility of setting up a 3D scanner so rather than having the object rotated on a turntable, the scanner itself rotates around the object. This has the advantage of not needing to worry about soft objects shifting in their shape as the turntable is rotated? Are there disadvantages? Yes, there are. What are the principle disadvantages? The principle disadvantage is that such scanner designs require more space to setup: all of the clearance between the camera and light source to the object must be replicated 360 degrees around the object platform. On the other hand, a turntable scanner only needs such clearance instantiated once. Therefore, all of the area otherwise consumed for the turn-scanner is freed up for other uses. This is particularly useful for scanning large objects as otherwise the available room space can get quite tight with a turn-scanner design. That is, when you don’t own the entire room for the sake of the scanner itself, but are bringing the scanner into a room not intended for that primary purpose.