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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

The standard C library has subroutines for computing square roots on floating point numbers, but what if you want to compute square roots on integers? Then you have to write your own square root subroutines. But no worries, this is actually rather simple to do in an efficient manner.

Basically, you use an iterative square root computation approach that revolves around this formula:

(x + n)^2
= x^2 + 2*x*n + n

n is a power of two… so 2nx is wholly bit shifting. x is your running total of your guessed square root so far. The idea is that you incrementally test adding one bit value to your total. Of course, you need a starting guess, and for that, counting the number of significant bits using the bit-scan reverse instruction (bsr on x86) works very well. Divide that by two (shift right by one) to get a starting value for x.

If you don’t have bit scanning instructions, then you must use an iterative square root method. Then you can cache the results in a lookup table, of course. Note that a square root is a polynomial, so there is no “polynomial approximation”, just polynomial computation.

UPDATE 2020-04-11: Actually, implementing bit-scanning in software is not that hard, and I’ve written such an implementation in my coding playground. It is lack of bit shifting in hardware that is the troublemaker.

Technically this iterative square root method is a variant of Newton’s method, but optimized for power-of-two computations.

What if your processor lacks bit shifting instructions, can you construct a lookup table for shifting by up to 32 bits? That’s a challenge, but doable. First, you want to decompose your shift into a sum of power-of-two shifts.

31 = 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1

Do that via a lookup table. Only need 32 entries, remember.

Then once you have that decomposition, you can do a binary shift construction approach. But the problem still remains. Principally, each lookup table needs 4,294,967,296 entries, and we need 5 of those, 4 if you exclude the shift by one bit (since you can add a number to itself to multiply by two or shift by one bit). How much memory is that?

4 * 2^32 * 4 = 2^40 = 1 TiB

That is unacceptably huge!

Worst case, you iteratively add a number to itself to shift by one bit at a time.

Nevertheless, if you only need to shift left by one bit at a time, adding works great. So that solves the problem for computing square roots on machines without bit-shifting instructions, under some circumstances. Namely, shift by half of significant bits approximation. So yes, even without bit-scan instructions, it can still be faster, just not a whole lot faster.

And in the second form, indeed we are only stepping n up or down one power-of-two at a time.

Okay, how do you do shift right without a shift right instruction? Well, you can build a lookup table for single shift right bit shifts… yeah, but that’s still a storage problem for large integers. Or you can do iterative method… again. For some cases, shifting left by one bit to rotate and wrap around in a loop and build a lookup table just for that particular case will work. Once you count up and wrap all the way around and store the results in a table, counting down on the table values is easy to “shift right” by one bit at a time.

Easiest form is to be able to break a large number up into smaller components… like 4 bits or 8 bits at a time.

Otherwise, just about everything must be solved with an iterative binary search to construct the result. Well yeah, that’s technically what you do when you operate a chunk at a time on a number, but the speed difference may be too great for typical use since your wastefully repeating low-level computation.

Otherwise, how can you mathematically pre-condition to reduce the size of the lookup table? You can do a binary search for the first few terms, then do the lookup table for the remainder.

UPDATE 2020-04-11: But, in my experience thus far, I have found that when the space is too large to fit entirely in a lookup table, a partial lookup table provides negligible performance gains.