Blender has been quite the actively developed project over the years. It’s gone through several updates and changes, some of which I wasn’t fully aware of. So, for my own sake, I’ll highlight some of the main changes that I have experienced since the first time Blender got updated to version 2.5.
The Cycles GPGPU accelerated internal raytracing rendering engine got replaced by Eevee, a “PBR” renderer. What’s that? Basically, an evolutation on top of raytracing rendering engines to be more stringingly physically accurate, hence the acronym “Physically Based Renderer” (PBR).
The internal Blender Game Engine has been removed. It is considered deprecated and a more powerful external game engine such “like Godot” should be used instead.
Ah, I remember Crystal Space was the old recommendation for an external game engine, but looks like they’ve been dethroned. Yep… looks like development froze over and the website is now partially broken. The page content is there, but the Content-Type reported by the server is no longer correct.