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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

I’ve been having trouble running OpenGL over an SSH-forwarded X11 connection. The problem is that OpenGL is rendered on the remote computer, then the rendered image is sent to the SSH client computer. Why is this?

Here’s why. OpenGL GLX opcodes are specified up to OpenGL 2.1. However, implementation of GLX opcodes for many of the newer features is optional. GLX opcodes are only mandatory up to OpenGL 1.4. OpenGL 1.5 introduced vertex buffer objects. Yeah, that must-have feature for virtually all modern 3D software, with the exception of (basic) 3D modeling software where all vertex data must exist in system memory.

So, that’s why most modern systems will default to “direct” rendering followed by forwarding the resulting image, even when they ought to usee indirect rendering for better 3D performance. The whole idea of indirect rendering, well is pretty clearly outside the motivations of late 2000s era OpenGL as a competitive platform for the video game market and GPUs targeted for such at the time. And even now in the present, things are still pretty much the same.

20200428/DuckDuckGo ssh remote x11 opengl