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Quorten Blog 1

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I’ve seen the Wikipedia article link to using Bresenham’s algorithm for computing pixel-perfect Beziers, but it honestly wasn’t all that well explained in my opinion. I tried once before but failed to create my own derivation. But this time, I am successful.

This is key to converting parametric Bezier equations into an implicit form where you can single-step pixels for error minimization: We assert the substitution a*x + b*y = c must hold true in order for it to even be possible to compute single-pixel stepping. So, each parametric equation can be substituted in the x and y quantities, the parameters removed, and the constants recomputed to make this so.

The equation as-is is obviously the equation of a line, which is why we can do it for lines. A short proof shows that this also holds for circles.

x(t) = r*cos(t)
y(t) = r*sin(t)
cos(t)^2 + sin(t)^2 = 1

(r*cos(t))^2 + (r*sin(t))^2 = r^2
x^2 + y^2 = r^2

So, now how do we do this for quadratic Beziers? First, let’s start with the base definition equations.

((1 - t) + t)^2
= (1 - t)^2 + 2*(1 - t)*t + t^2

a*(1 - t)^2 + 2*b*(1 - t)*t + c*t^2

x(t) = a_x*(1 - t)^2 + 2*b_x*(1 - t)*t + c_x*t^2
y(t) = a_y*(1 - t)^2 + 2*b_y*(1 - t)*t + c_y*t^2

Now, let’s consider some base definitions of an implicit parabola.

a*x^2 + b*y = c
a*x + b*y^2 = c

Looking at the Bezier equations, we see there is both a linear and a quadratic component in both x and y. We can therefore assert that it must be possible to rephrase the equation into the following form.

a*x^2 + b*x + c*y^2 + d*y = e

Please note: Here, e is not the constant 2.7182818284..., but rather an arbitrary constant we are using for our equation.

The problem is that we don’t know how to compute the coefficients at the outset. So, let’s analyze a simpler case, linear Beziers.

x(t) = a_x*(1 - t) + b_x*t
y(t) = a_y*(1 - t) + b_y*t

If we fully expand on the t parameter, we can see the perpendicular vector coefficients clearly, and this is independent of the actual length of the line, i.e. whether we range from t = 0.0 to t = 1.0 or compute in screen coordinates.

x(t) = a_x - a_x*t + b_x*t
     = (b_x - a_x)*t + a_x
y(t) = a_y - a_y*t + b_y*t
     = (b_y - a_y)*t + a_y

So, now we know the slope vector is (b_x - a_x, b_y - a_y), so that is what we use when computing single-stepping to rasterize a linear Bezier. In implicit equation form, we must use the perpendicular vector instead, i.e. swap the two components and negate one of them. We also know the starting point is (a_x, a_y). And naturally, we know the endpoint is (b_x, b_y). Since quadratic Beziers likewise have a linear component, we can carry this knowledge forward.

Now, for the quadratic expansion.

x(t) = a_x*(1 - t)^2 + 2*b_x*(1 - t)*t + c_x*t^2
     = a_x - 2*a_x*t + a_x*t^2 +
       2*b_x*t - 2*b_x*t^2 +
     = (a_x - 2*b_x + c_x)*t^2 +
       (2*b_x - 2*a_x)*t +

y(t) = a_y*(1 - t)^2 + 2*b_y*(1 - t)*t + c_y*t^2
     = a_y - 2*a_y*t + a_y*t^2 +
       2*b_y*t - 2*b_y*t^2 +
     = (a_y - 2*b_y + c_y)*t^2 +
       (2*b_y - 2*a_y)*t +

So, likewise, now we know the following information:

  • Starting point: (a_x, a_y)
  • Endpoint: (c_x, c_y)
  • Linear slope vector: (2*(b_x - a_x), 2*(b_y - a_y))
  • x-axis parabola width coefficient: a_x - 2*b_x + c_x
  • y-axis parabola width coefficient: a_y - 2*b_y + c_y

So, now the question is, what to do with the parabola width coefficients? Well, if the width coefficient is zero, that means you definitely know there is not a parabola on that axis, which means you set the corresponding implicit equation component to zero. For example:

a = (-1, 0)
b = (0, 1)
c = (1, 0)

x-axis parabola coeff. = -1 - 2*0 + 1 = 0
y-axis parabola coeff. = 0 - 2*1 + 0 = -2

Upon observation of this, you notice that packing into the implicit equation, we actually effectively flip around the associated variables, just like we’re working with a perpendicular. And we might as well also negate one coefficient for consistency. So, let’s delve deeper.

x-axis parabola coeff. = 0
y-axis parabola coeff. = -2
Linear slope vector: (2*(0 - -1), 2*(1 - 0)) = (2, 0)
Starting point: (-1, 0)
Endpoint: (1, 0)

a*x^2 + b*x + c*y^2 + d*y = e

-a*x^2 - b*x + c*y^2 + d*y = e
-a*x^2 + d*y = e
2*x^2 + 2*y = e
x^2 + y = e
y = -x^2 + e

Wow, that worked out quite swell! Now, e is simply computed by substituting the starting values and solving.

e = (-1)^2 + 0 = 1
y = -x^2 + 1

And that looks correct!

For the sake of efficiency when plotting with these equations, you might want to subtract the starting point so that you start computing at (0, 0), and add it back during plotting. This way, you do not need multiply to compute the starting exponents, you just know they are zero. Likewise, the constant e is also always zero.

So this can be readily extended to cubic Beziers for pixel-perfect computations, right? Hold that thought for a moment. When computing with integer arithmetic, if you compute with cubics directly, you need to allocate enough bits of precision to raise your base measurements to the third power. That means you need three times as many bits of precision for intermediate calculations. Double-width integers are pretty easy to work with, but triple-width integers? Not so much. From a computational efficiency standpoint, it is far more efficient to subdivide a cubic Bezier until it can be plotted reasonably accurately using piece-wise quadratic Beziers. This way, you only need twice as many bits of precision for second-power intermediates.

So, to summarize plotting cubic Beziers using a piece-wise quadratic Bezier approximation. Use de-Casteljau’s algorithm to subdivide the Bezier into segments until the control points on each segment are equidistant from each other along the direction of the line between the endpoints, and the distance from the line to the control point is also approximately the same. Yes, use dot product methods and compare that the distance squared is within bounds. Then the approximate quadratic Bezier control point can simply be computed by intersecting two lines, formed from each endpoint and its adjacent control point.