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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

How do you plot a rotated ellipse pixel-perfect? Well, I was almost stymied on this one, until I applied the idea I came up with for quadratic Bezier curves that I thankfully didn’t have to use for that problem. I would instead linearly combine an x-axis and a y-axis parabola using cosine and sine. In order for it to have the same equation result, though, we have to cosine squared and sine squared so that they sum to one. Here is the application for the case of an ellipse.

m = cos(w)
n = sin(w)

a^2 * x^2 + b^2 * y^2 = a^2 * b^2

m^2 * (a^2 * x^2 + b^2 * y^2) + n^2 * (b^2 * x^2 + a^2 * y^2) = a^2 * b^2
(m^2 * a^2 + n^2 * b^2) * x^2 + (m^2 * b^2 + n^2 * a^2) * y^2 = a^2 * b^2

But alas, this does not work! Why? If you look at these equations, all we are doing is computing another ellipse on aligned axes but with different radii. We can’t just add squared components, we need to add linear components too, just like the case of quadratic Bezier curves that effectively allow rotated parabolas.

So, the question is, how do we compute the linear part of these equations? In the case of a skewed ellipse, it’s easy. But also, a skewed ellipse is a rotated ellipse with slightly different radii. So, we have to know how to convert a rotated ellipse into a skewed and stretched ellipse.

So, let’s go back to the equation of rotation.

x(t) = cos(w) * x0(t) - sin(w) * y0(t)
y(t) = cos(w) * y0(t) + sin(w) * x0(t)

Those rotation constants are linear factors. We want to rephrase them into scaling and skewing operations. This is, in essence, the singular value decomposition (SVD). It’s a concept well-covered in linear algebra, so let’s put it in matrix form. However, unlike the typical explanation found in linear algebra textbooks, we’ll try to keep our explanation simpler and straight to the point for our purposes.

[ cos(w), -sin(w) ] * [ x0 ]
[ sin(w),  cos(w) ]   [ y0 ]

The scaling matrix is easy:

[ sx,  0 ] * [ x0 ]
[  0, sy ]   [ y0 ]

Now how about the skewing matrix? To skew the y-axis, i.e. y-locations remain constant but increasing y-location causes an increasing x-location:

[ 1, ky ] * [ x0 ]
[ 0,  1 ]   [ y0 ]

To skew the x-axis:

[  1, 0 ] * [ x0 ]
[ kx, 1 ]   [ y0 ]

So, putting it together, to skew the x-axis, followed by the y-axis:

[ 1+kx*ky, ky ] * [ x0 ]
[ kx,       1 ]   [ y0 ]

Alternatively, we can skew both axes at the same time:

[ 1, ky ] * [ x0 ]
[ kx, 1 ]   [ y0 ]

Let’s say we want to scale first, skew x-axis second, then skew y-axis third. The matrices are as follows.

  [ 1+kx*ky, ky ] * [ sx,  0 ] * [ x0 ]
  [ kx,       1 ]   [  0, sy ]   [ y0 ]

= [ sx+sx*kx*ky, sy*ky ] * [ x0 ]
  [ sx*kx,          sy ]   [ y0 ]

So, as you can see, although determining one scale factor from the matrix is trivial, determining the skew factors is not.

But, there is a simple-enough approach.

  1. Determine sy.

  2. Determine ky = sy*ky / sy.

  3. Compute sx * sy * ky = sx*kx * ky.

  4. Subtract that from sx+sx*kx*ky to determine sx.

  5. Determine kx = sx*kx / sx.

Okay, so now we know how to decompose rotation into scaling and skewing. Since scaling is the first thing we do, we can simply work that into our somewhat correct rotated ellipse equations mentioned previously. But how do we work the skewing in? Adding the equation of a line with the necessary slope would do the trick.

So, adding an x-axis skew, add a y = m*x style equation. Namely, that means you only add the m*x part. But be careful, we must make sure we add it correctly in relation to the squares.

x^2 + y^2 = r^2
y^2 = r^2 - x^2
y = sqrt(r^2 - x^2)
y = sqrt(r^2 - x^2) + m*x
y^2 = r^2 - x^2 + 2 * m * x * sqrt(r^2 - x^2) + m^2 * x^2
y^2 = r^2 - x^2 + 2 * m * x * sqrt(r^2 - x^2) + m^2 * x^2
(1 - m^2) * x^2 + y^2 = r^2 + 2 * m * x * sqrt(r^2 - x^2)

Okay, that’s looking ugly, but I think I get the point. Because otherwise, if you just add directly into the squares equation, you would just be shifting around the center of the ellipse without actually skewing it as you want to. Plus, you would also resize the radii at the same time. And if you just adjusted the coefficient of x^2, you would just be adjusting the size of the radius on the same axis.

I feel close to the solution, but unfortunately, I also still don’t feel like I get it. The equations I’m phrasing up don’t seem efficient to compute. I’ll have to come back to solving this later.

How about going the reverse direction on the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)? Let’s decompose as first scaling, second rotation.

[ cos(w), -sin(w) ] * [ sx,  0 ] = [ sx*cos(w), -sy*sin(w) ]
[ sin(w),  cos(w) ]   [  0, sy ]   [ sx*sin(w),  sy*cos(w) ]

Using the trigonometric identities is the key to decomposing.

cos(w)^2 + sin(w)^2 = 1
(sx*cos(w))^2 + (sx*sin(w))^2 = sx^2

Once you determine sx, you can readily determine cos(w), sin(w), and w itself via atan2(). Then determining sy is trivial.

Wow, I finally solved a problem I struggled with 6 years ago. Why did it take me so long to have that simple realization? Well, now I know how to issue the drawing commands for an orthographic Earth geography graticule without issuing skew transformations, only rotated ellipse drawing commands.

And, relating to rotated ellipses, alas, I digress. It’s a lot easier to approximate an ellipse using a Bezier spline and rotate that to get a rotated ellipse. So, now you know, that’s why virtually all mainstream graphics software uses that approach to get a rotated ellipse.