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Quorten Blog 1

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OpenModelica revisited


Categories: media-prog  
Tags: media-prog  

OpenModelica is a good framework for physics simulation, so I am told. So I revisit it, in the year 2020, and the result… looks like the website hasn’t been updated in years! Argh… the style looks just the same as the last time I visited years ago, which although it looked fairly modern back then on the old computer I was viewing it from, times have changed around the website, but the site itself has not.

Well, anyways, the main question I had on my mind in relation to OpenModelica was, what is its GPU compute acceleration support? Unfortunately, looks like it has no such support. Tough luck, it only transcodes to C code, but has no special provisions for generating OpenCL code.


Nevertheless, because it is an old software thing after all, it is used by a lot of old-time players like car companies. And… now here’s the thing. For the Modelica model description language on its own, there is a whole host of proprietary implementations, some of which may indeed have GPU computer acceleration support.