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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

In the course of finishing up my blog article on parallel compute primitives, I had a lot of great ideas to write down in the reflection conclusion, but after further thought about the general direction I wanted that blog article to go, I decided that it would be better to leave those out to a separate blog article. Again, they’re all very good ideas worth reflecting on.

  • Reflection on the typical structure of libraries. Typically, most popular software libraries are “hand-hacked” optimized toward a particular set of assumptions, and naturally, these assumptions are never quite general enough.

  • And why is this? Well, as I can punctually testify from my experience of writing up this more general code, there’s simply less things the human programmer needs to keep track of!

  • And indeed, it is very much close to the metal. Very much like assembly language programming. The classic tenets of assembly language source code you’ve seen in the 80’s and 90’s graphics programming, complete replete reproduction in a more modern environment.

  • The tendency of game programmers is to hand-hack things up to only target a very specific set of circumstances, often time computer hardware trends of the time. And then the software would not work on my computer, it always required some special feature or function that was only available on newer computers. Why?

  • Intuitively, there was no reason I could see as a user. As a user, the similarities are stronger than the differences. Just that one set of software was programmed with a different set of hard baked-in assumptions. Yes, indeed, lack of generality.

  • But, I was not satisfied with such inflexibility. I wanted to build off of what I was already seeing in other people’s software: constant re-invention of an identical set of core concepts, each time with some implementation improvement for a particular environment. But why stop there where such internal APIs were fractured development efforts?

    I wanted to be able to write software from a single source code, that through the magic of compile-time options and switches, I could have it run across a whole host of different computer systems. Old to new, without a GPU, with a GPU, with a GPGPU, or no GPGPU at all. I wanted to efficiently cover everything when it was available, and still get working software even when not all the new stuff is available.

    And, ultimately, I wanted software that can run on simple computer systems, computer systems that are simple enough to build yourself and fully understand yourself.

  • Yes, I totally understand, the motivation behind fractured development efforts. Literally, it allows for development in parallel. Now we’re not talking the software running in parallel, but the humans behind the software development, those people running in parallel.

    And literally, what this means. While one group is in the last stages of perfecting an old technology for commercialization and production, a different group is in the process of working on a technology that is not remotely available for commercial use yet, but when it is, it will be so much better than what came before it that it will completely displace it.

  • And that’s just the thing. It’s not that I wouldn’t use older software at all that came before me. It’s that I’d use it primarily as a source of reading code for reference, to get an idea of what the old software did. But ultimately, when it comes down to implementing it in my own software, my refactoring is so severe and intense that as a matter of practice, I cannot copy the old code.

    Yes, the concepts are there, but the idea of copying the code directly, it’s not there. So, therefore, neither is the concept of copyright.

  • Most importantly, I wanted to illustrate this core math library well used by a suite of useful applications featuring advanced features and functions: projection 3D graphics rendering, high DPI laser printer resolution 2D graphics rasterization, analog electronics simulation, raytracing 3D graphics rendering, statistical analysis and data plotting software, 3D printing slicer computations, particle physics simulations, computational fluid dynamics simulations, thermal simulations, acoustic simulations, machine learning, just to name a start.

    Without useful demonstrations, or more importantly, without useful practical applications, it’s pretty hard to convince other programmers of the utility of such a library.