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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

C++ operator overloading makes it really easy to write generalized math code. Just change the type declarations on your variables, and tada! You can go from using machine integers to bugnums. But simpler programming languages like C do not have operator overloading. Besides implementing a parser front-end to rewrite your code, how else can you achieve similar effects in C?

The solution is simple though mundane. Rewrite all your math code so that it looks like it’s working with bignums all the time. Rather than using infix notation with arithmetic operators, you use function call notation everywhere. Here’s a simple example.

a = b + c;
#define ADD2_NUM(b, c) ((b) + (c))
#define ADD3_NUM(a, b, c) ((a) = ADD2((b), (c)))

Since we otherwise would have two identical macro names for the two variants, we add a number to the name indicating how many arguments the macro takes. The two-argument form passes the result as a return value, the other writes its output to an argument, and also makes it available as a return value. If b and c are passed by value, a is also passed by value. The rule is that all arguments are either passed by value or passed by reference for consistency.

The two-argument form is provided for convenience, but it is generally not optimal in code working with higher-order objects because it requires the subroutine to always allocate a new object for passing the return value, rather than using an object pre-allocated by the caller that may be reused in multiple loop iterations. So, in your body code, you should always use “three argument form” for full generality. This allows arbitrary precision functions to be transparently substituted without needing to rewrite your code. And, it allows doing so in the most efficient manner possible.

Of course, this abstraction is not enough for arbitrary precision arithmetic. Bignums also require initialization and destruction routines. So you must also take care to add these in the proper locations of your code. When working with machine integers, these simply expand to no-ops.


Often times, you just need a temporary variable to do some intermediate computations. Why repeatedly initialize and destroy the temporary variable when you can just stash it to a caching stack and pull and retrieve it when required? So, we define these macros for working with temporary variables.

GET_TMP_NUM(ctx, a)

*_ALLOC_TMP_NUMS() macros are used to adjust the height of the stack. If the maximum number of temporary variables required can be anticipated in advance, initializing them all at once can be more efficient. Otherwise, it is possible to dynamically grow the stack. The stack is only shortened upon request.