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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Okay… it’s official. I’m now getting ready to design my own GPGPU. The first step, mastering the design of a SIMD processor. A simple GPGPU is simply a collection of SIMD cores, an optimized parallel memory architecture, and memory stores private to a single SIMD processor (i.e. “local memory” in OpenCL terminology). Parallel memory architecture can be implemented real simply: just use multiple different RAM banks, this allows for parallel and strided memory access, and put in front another multiplexer of a sort for shifting the logical offset of strided memory accesses, and tada! You’ve got a pretty efficient parallel RAM.

So, now for the repertoire of parallel load and store instructions.

  • Load index vector: Load an integer vector where the contents of each element are the element’s index itself. For example, { 0, 1, 2, 3 }. This might be phrased up as a variant of the “zero register” load, for example. Optional, this can be computed via a parallel unfold.

  • Load vector: load a contiguous vector of the designated length into the designated vector register.

  • Store vector: Reverse of load vector.

  • Load strided vector: load a vector of the designated length where each element is spaced by the given offset. That is, the address of an element at index i is determined by mem[stride*i].

  • Store strided vector: Reverse of load strided vector.

  • Gather load vector: Using a given integer input vector, load a vector of the desginated length using the corresponding memory addresses given in the integer input vector. A scalar base address may optionally be added to the integer vector.

  • Scatter store vector: Reverse of gather load vector.

  • Load scalar to vector: Duplicate a scalar memory operand to fill the designated vector register.

  • Store first scalar from vector: Store only the first scalar in a vector to memory. Optional, actually, this is the same as storing a vector of length one.

  • Store scalar from vector: Store only the scalar at the given index in a vector to memory. Optional, this instruction could be unnecessary in well-optimized code and besides, it can also be achieved via conditional store.

Please note that for accessing memory private to a single SIMD processor, we basically have a flag on each of these instructions to specify the address space: global or local. And, sure, you can support more address spaces from OpenCL like constant memory and the like. I guess you can say constant memory is kind of like an explicit cache load.

Conditional move is particularly important for efficient SIMD branching, so we need a good set of supporting instructions here too. So, first of all, computing a condition value and storing the result in a vector. Since there will only be a single bit in the result, boolean vectors can be much smaller.

  • Vector “compare” style instructions: less than, less than or equal to, greather than, greather than or equal to, not equal to, equal to.

  • Vector “bit test” style instructions: zero, not zero, AND and zero, AND and not zero.

Note that it is possible to design an architecture with less conditional instructions, but the impact is that more wide temporary vector registers will be required for condition computation.

All of the previous instructions computed conditions only independenly on each scalar. One thing special about condition vectors after they are computed is that they can pretty much be treated as scalars. Think about it, if your SIMD is 32 or 64 lanes wide, just stow the result away in a 32 or 64-bit scalar register, and feel free to use any scalar instruction on it like “zero” or “not zero” testing. This is mainly of interest for looping, which we’ll discuss later.

Now, after we compute are conditions, we can use a few special.

  • Conditional move: copy only the designated vector element to the destination vector register if the corresponding condition is one/true.

  • Conditional load: load only the designated vector element if the corresponding condition is one/true.

  • Conditional store: store only the designated vector element if the corresponding condition is one/true.

You might argue that conditional load/store are not strictly needed, but in a general-purpose hardware architecture, they actually are. Why? Memory mapped hardware devices do not necessarily need treat loads and stores to the same memory address the same. If you read a value from a memory mapped hardware device and then write the same value to the same address, that may result in issuing a device command rather than acting as a no-op. Hence the need for conditional load and store.

For efficient implementation of a ternary conditional move and the like, you may also want to add conditional move/load/store variants that only act on a zero/false condition. Actually, this is optional and unnecessary because you can implement ternary in registers via a single conditional move.

Now, for looping. Most of the time, looping is handled with a scalar variable. However, it is also possible, for example, to setup a loop so that it runs until all items in a vector are zero, for example. But, as we have mentioned previously, this is trivial to support using a good repertoire of scalar instructions once you’ve computed the condition vector. In any case, we need to ensure we have just enough scalar instructions in our SIMD processor to efficiently support looping.

  • A dedicated scalar register file of a certain size is required, of course. It should be separate from the vector register file rather than a special case subset of it since it will primarily be used for loop control. However, it can be shared in common as boolean vector registers due to previous discussion.

  • Load/store scalar register.

  • Copy scalar register from first element of vector register.

  • Optional, maybe even unnecessary: Copy scalar register from given index of vector register.

  • Increment/decrement scalar register.

  • Add/subtract scalar registers.

  • Bit-testing on scalar register: zero, not zero.

  • Comparison on scalar register: less than, less than or equal to, greather than, greather than or equal to, not equal to, equal to.

  • Conditional branch.

As you can see, I defined a very limited repertoire of scalar instructions since the strict intent of them is solely for loop control. In theory, well-optimized code to be refactored into this form when the sole purpose is for loop control. But, if you want to provide additional programmer convenience, you may include a larger repertoire of scalar instructions.

On the other hand… maybe it is a good idea to provide as many scalar instructions as you have vector instructions. Think about it. It’s not that hard for an OpenCL compiler. When you have threads with identical compute code at the start, typically when they are setting up loop variables, the compiler can determine that not only are all threads executing identical instructions, but they are also executing on identical inputs and will therefore produce identical outputs. Hence, scalar registers can be used in place of vector registers. The primary emphasis of this is that you can save registers, secondarily you might also save energy during compute.

Otherwise, if you’re really staunch on “vector only,” then you can just define a few more “move” instructions for data format conversions and the conditional jump instructions for looping only use the first vector element. That other alternative, its main advantage is that it saves instructions to encode, especially if you only allow computing on a single vector width. That makes sense… only setup load and store for variable width, maybe even rely on the conditional form for this behavior.

Really, thinking about this… I’m definitely leaning more toward the pure vector side. Quite literally, such a setup can share a whole lot of opcodes in common with a scalar processor, you just need to add a few extensions for vector load-store, conditions, and branching. Same compute opcodes, just that they compute on a full vector width rather than a single scalar.

Finally, we just need a few more instructions for subroutine support and the like.

  • Unconditional jump.

  • Branch to subroutine.

  • Return from subroutine.

  • HALT instruction, called when requested work is complete, etc.

What about special instructions like interrupt handling? Come on, this isn’t a CPU for supporting an operating system… if we need similar behavior, the CPU just halts the SIMD processors, controls “hardware registers” via memory mapped regions, does a RESET, and so on. And, likewise, we don’t need “compare ans swap” or “load linked” thread synchronization primitives.

Now, I did not completely discuss what vector compute operations need to be implemented. Beyond the basic assumption of a good repertoire of basic arithmetic and logical instructions worthy of inclusion on virtually all scalar processors, a few key notes are worth emphasizing.

  • Integer multiply must be implemented, there are just too many parallel compute algorithms that cannot be efficiently implemented without a hardware multiply instruction.

  • Count leading zeros must be implemented (or equivalent such as find last set), again for the same reason.

  • Because of the nature of many parallel compute algorithms, it is often times very important to have a good repertoire of advanced math instructions like divide, square root, inverse square root, and so on.

  • A popcount instruction should also be provided.

Now, I didn’t fully detail how the CPU controls the SIMD processor. Here’s how I envision this to work out nicely. First of all, there is the Unified Memory Architecture (UMA) design versus Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA). If NUMA is used, global device memory will need to be mapped to the address bus so that the CPU can initialize GPGPU instructions and data.

Second, there are a variety memory-mapped hardware registers that the CPU can control.

  • RESET control latch.

  • Program Counter (PC) control register. Optional, not necessary in a NUMA design, but very useful in a UMA design. Basically, this allows you to start program execution from an arbitrary address after RESET. You might opt for a system design where this can only be read/written when the system is HALTed.

  • HALT control latch. Optional, but very useful from a general coprocessor system design standpoint, when you want to save energy from an Operating System control standpoint, etc. Essentially, even if the processor does not implement hardware interrupt support, this and the PC control register can be effectively used to implement software-defined interrupts.

    The HALT control latch can also be used to read the HALT status, and a systetm can be configured so that the CPU gets an interrupt once the GPGPU HALTs.

  • HALT sends CPU interrupt latch. Optional, configure whether HALT will send a CPU interrupt, so you can switch this off if the CPU is causing a HALT.

  • IRQ and NMI control latches. Optional, only necessary if interrupts are supported.

  • As an optional extension, read/write access to all processor registers can be provided.

Now, that’s a nice high-level interface to describe and all, but what about the pin-out? Building an SoC model, you’d simply use as many pins as you like, separate pins for exposing the hardware registers as “device” memory and for the coprocessor to access its own memory. But, if you’re building a physical chip and want to minimize the pin-out, you might use this strategy.

  • Both “device memory” (hardware register access from CPU) and the coprocessor’s own memory are accessed through the same address lines. The coprocessor must be in HALT mode to access device hardware registers since otherwise it would be busy accessing the coprocessor’s own memory. The address lines to the coprocessor memory is also put in high-impedance to prevent interfering with “device memory” hardware register access.

  • There is a HALT input line and a HALT STATUS output line. When a HALT pin input is issued, the coprocessor finishes up its current memory accesses and then sets the HALT STATUS when it’s ready to process device memory commands. The processor may optionally empty the pipeline before indicating that it is ready.

  • When the coprocessor is HALTed, the system board (via some address decoding) can switch the coprocessor’s address lines to high impedance and the coprocessor memory to low impedance for the host CPU to read and write coprocessor memory.

Wow, that’s the lowdown on how you would configure a coprocessor inside a system with an existing CPU. Another point in hand: think about taking a CPU, giving it its own dedicated memory, and put it on a board to expose it as a coprocessor. It actually isn’t that hard to craft such a setup. It’s just a matter of putting supporting logic on the coprocessor board to control the impedance of the address lines and clock signal to the coprocessor to effect a HALT controlled via the CPU. And, likewise, to send interrupts to the coprocessor or receive a HALT interrupt from the coprocessor. Technically, with interrupts supported, you can read and write processor registers through an interrupt mechanism to push and pull the registers to and from memory.

The thing about coprocessor HALTs and interrupts… yeah what it comes down to is essentially the same tenets as the ability to multitask. Quite literally, you can send an interrupt, switch out the register contents, and return from interrupt to switch to a new task’s coprocessor data. Of course, this is where things get sticky with GPGPUs since you have per-core private memory that also needs to be context-switched, and that can be a rather expensive operation. That being said… context switching only needs be a thing on a scalar coprocessor. When you have multiple coprocessor cores, especially with GPGPUs, it is far more common to schedule tasks to different cores exclusively.

Sure… on one hand, if you want to replicate a GPGPU that can run OpenCL, your requirements are simplified. On the other hand, if you want to create a somewhat clever and novel architecture, you might really want the ability for each SIMD processor core to be able to handle interrupts. You can argue that interrupt processing is effectively an efficient means of message passing: the notification of a message send is the interrupt request, and the data packet contents are found in memory. And if you have support for interrupts and effective backwards compatible support for scalar instruction execution, you’ve got yourself a SIMD processor core that can function in the role of the CPU. Now all that is needed is a bootloader, since the coprocessor board itself is designed to come up HALTed and have a CPU load the initial program before execution. On board-level RESET, a tiny microcontroller is configured to come up first while every other coprocessor core is halted, its sole responsibility is to copy from ROM the initial boot code for each processor core to its own coprocessor memory, then signal all the cores to execute. Typical system ROMs will, naturally, configure every core except for one to HALT first thing, and the last non-halted core will execute the remainder of the operating system bootloader. Then again… you could wire your address bus and coprocessors so they start executing in the special “pre-boot address space” that gets routed to each coprocessor’s own ROM.

How do you route interrupts without a CPU? Instead of a CPU, there is an interrupt controller, all incoming interrupts go to it, and it then figures where to routes interrupts to subscribers, a coprocessor subscribes to receive interrupts from particular devices. Arguably even in a system design with a CPU, you can argue that the CPU isn’t truly the central locus of control, but it is the system board through the prospects of the interrupt controller. Because, after all, the CPU can sleep, but the interrupt and RESET controller must never stop until power is removed. Okay, but fine… interrupts are hard. You don’t always want to send an interrupt to “anyone who subscribed” but may want to send an interrupt to onl a specific coprocessor or group of such. So, that’s a special communication to be made to a more complex interrupt controller compared to a CPU design.

In an ideal world, there is no hierarchy in addressing and interrupt routing. It’s all n-dimensional. In the real world, however, you cannot physically wire such interconnects in any reasonable manner, so hierarchy is often introduced to extend past a certain size, that size being defined by the technological limits of the current available technology.

Okay, let’s think about it. How are arbitrary communication patterned handled with conventional computer architectures. Let’s look to the commercial world. The commercial world is defined as a cluster of CPU-based machines with network interface devices that are connected to a TCP/IP packet-switching network. The CPU and network interface device are connected in a master-slave arrangement, the CPU gets interrupts on an incoming communication packet and the like. Then these packets go through a hierarchical switching and routing network. Application specific integerated circuits are used for much of the decisions about where to forward a packet next. So, as you can see, it’s basically like we have a super duper complicated system to copy data from one processor core to another then signal an interrupt that the data has arrived. All the complexity is externalized in a convenient manner that obviates the need for an individual computer designer to fully model it.

So, what was the system design problem that I was encountering? The problem was that I was trying to internalize all that complexity to define a more general-purpose many-core system. The whole idea of a heterogeneous CPU-GPGPU design is that you do not attempt to internalize that interrupt controller routing complexity but you do take advantage of being able to route task completion interrupts from many cores to a single central processor, the CPU. Simply put, this allows you to run a variety of useful parallel applications with a slimmed down, simpler interrupt controller. Otherwise, you have to layer in all kinds of interrupt controller complexity, switching network complexity, and maybe even data forwarding complexity. And, this is also the advantage of GPGPU-style programming that does not need synchronization directly between GPGPU cores, only between GPGPU jobs as a whole and the CPU. Conversely, that’s the price you pay for containerized or virtual machine network service clusters that absolutely must communicate via a paradigm, and execute via a scalar CPU paradigm.