Getting more into the log information on my DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem for which my home Internet is currently connected through, I’ve found these interesting pages. Main point, if you see “T3 time-out” or “T4 time-out”, then you are having communication failures that are causing high packet losses. SYNC failure and MDD message timeout are more critical errors that means proper channel communication cannot be established.
20200831/DuckDuckGo t3 timeout
20200831/DuckDuckGo mdd message timeout
20200831/DuckDuckGo docsis mdd message
Also, during my previous searching, I’ve found some information on a defective Intel modem chipset named Puma 6. This has given both Intel and Arris a bad name as Arris has been doing a lot of business with Intel chipsets. Now, the whole “Intel Inside” marketing, now that really backfired in this case, “don’t buy any modem with Intel on the packaging” is now the adage.
20200831/DuckDuckGo puma chipset issues
The class actuion lawsuit law firm also notes tech info from The Register, the underlying cause is too much reliance on the x86 CPU for packet processing, when realtime tasks tick, they cause a spike of latency. 20200831/
My current modem, an Arris SB6183, is not affected, though.
20200831/DuckDuckGo arris sb6183 puma