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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Size limit on the box certificate? What exactly does this mean? It is a single measure specified in inches. According to Wikipedia, it is the sum of the width, height, and depth. However, trying that out on some actual boxes, the result doesn’t match the number that is filled in. Well, let’s search around to try to see how that works.

20200901/DuckDuckGo box certificate size limit

Okay, we get some hints here, it is related to the calculations of dimensional “DIM” weight and planning pallet loads.


20200901/DuckDuckGo calculate dim weight

Okay, so now I know how to calculate DIM weight and now I know this method of “DIM weight” is the tool that couriers use to compensate for the fact that shipping high volume, very lightweight objects will have higher operational expenses when shipped using the same motor vehicle equipment optimized for heavier loads in their storage volume. But, I still don’t understand size limit!

Okay, the other thing, calculating pallet loads. Let’s see if we can find anything about this on Wikipedia.


Well, that Wikipedia page sure had a lot of good information on pallets directly, but it didn’t say anything about the means to calculate how to optimally pack a load onto a pallet. One good thing I wanted to point out from the article, the requirement for treatment of wood palletes to prevent the transportation of invasive species during international shipping.