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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Looking at some of my Amazon, I notice something strange. This is paper packaging but it feels padded? Ah, they have a URL on this package for more information. Let’s see what this is all about. Apparently it is a special formulation engineered just for Amazon, this packaging may not be as widely commercially available as the older stuff.


The older kind, they call it “Jiffy packaging” when you have a paper envelope with polyethylene plastic bubble wrap inside.

What about that Amazon’s older initiative of frustration-free packaging? They link from their newer articles but the link is broken! And although I read about the articles in the past apparently I didn’t save in my blog. So, here we go, trying to put together the best links on the subject I can, there was previously a video that really well illustrated what they mean by “frustration-free.” It means you don’t have to go through the tedious effort to free a toy you bought on Amazon from the clear, shiny retail-self packaging that the toy would be packed away within were it to be sold in a toy store. Rather, the toy is packed straight into the most appropriate box for mailing, no additional protective “brown boxing” (that is sanely shaped for mail carriers to pick up and move around) needs to be applied to the outside before shipping. So, the unboxing experience from a mail-order store is much more convenient.

20201112/DuckDuckGo amazon frustration-free packaging

UPDATE 2020-11-26: Here is a modern link to the video, salvaged form the Wayback Machine’s snapshot of Amazon’s old frustration-free packaging info page.


Perfect! That’s everything I needed to know and find.