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RTC chip showdown


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Raspberry Pi real-time clocks? Now, this is an area that is near and dear to my heart… mainly because I created an AVR firmware that replicates the functionality of the original Macintosh RTC chip. It provides both the clock function and memory. So, why can’t you do the same with Raspberry Pi? If you are designing a Raspberry Pi HAT, you should also be able to use just a single chip connected to a serial bus that provides for both clock and data. Namely, in the case of HATs, the ID EEPROM is connected to an I2C serial bus. Why not also expose your RTC function over the same I2C bus?

Sure, I’d want to reuse my firmware that I’ve already written, but alas, in case that idea is touted as “too hacky” in a larger group project, I need some alternatives. Okay, let’s go looking. Is there a good I2C RTC chip that also includes an embedded EEPROM function? There is… but not in the exact format that is expected by Raspberry Pi. These chips use I2C major address 0b1010, subaddress 0b111. Raspberry Pi expects 0b000. So, they are no-can-do without Raspberry Pi bootloader modifications, alas that’s proprietary code territory right in there, and I’m not seeing hints in the Device Tree blob used at boot.

The first chip option only has 150 bytes of EEPROM, the second has 512 bytes of EEPROM. Alas, the first is much cheaper, more available, and better supported by Raspberry Pi Device Tree Overlays, the second has a Linux driver but not Raspberry Pi Device Tree Overlays.


Searching around further, here is another lead. DS3231 or MCP79400? DS3231 ended up being preferred for one product because it has superior accuracy. However, looking on Digi-Key, it also has superior cost and inferior stocking/availability.


I’d say the MCP794* series products are the all-around winner and best choice.

So, that’s the lowdown on Raspberry Pi RTC chip options. That being said, if you do decide to go the AVR route, the MCP794* series would be an excellent interface to emulate, yeah I do have my Apple RTC firmware but that would possibly require writing new Linux drivers. The biggest thing I’d change about the MCP794* series, of course, would be to make its EEPROM 100% compatible with Raspberry Pi HAT loading expectations.

Related to this conundrum, stacking HATs? Ah, interesting, some HATs are explicitly designed for this, but if you do this with a HAT that has an EEPROM, your Pi will freeze at the rainbow boot screen. Why? The conflicting EEPROM chips are to blame, but the issue is that when the Raspberry Pi bootloader encounters this, it’s not smart enough to recover, so it just locks up.

20201112/DuckDuckGo when does id eeprom get probed boot raspberry pi

Well, point in hand, at least it looks like there’s some buy-in for the Raspberry Pi Foundation to change the rules of HATs so they are not confined to a single ID EEPROM address. If that buy-in did surface, then the combined RTC and ID EEPROM design could be a reality, without needing to invoke an AVR to fit the Raspberry Pi’s hacks.